As I was listening to this very well-thought-out divorce album, my head was trying to divorce itself from my body. I am sick. I was planning on posting this yesterday but alas, I took some NyQuil too early in the day and did not wake up until mid-afternoon today. Apologies.
I’d never listened to an album that really followed the cycle of mourning so well. It starts with some false positivity. Then Marvin Gaye really starts getting into the frustrations and mind games of his divorce and then he starts questioning everything, gets real angry, has a psychedelic awakening, more anger, and then doubts he and his wife ever loved each other in the first place.
There is a lot of processing happening in this album and I love it.
At one point, he questions whether humans have the capacity to make honest vows. It’s heavy and terrifying.
All this while asking over and over and over and over again: When did you stop loving me and when did I stop loving you?
As if those answers will fix anything.
Overall, a ride. A good ride and I will be circling back if I ever get heartbroken again. OR if I go through a divorce.
It might be the NyQuil but, man, I never want to get divorced.
Top song: When Did You Stop Loving Me, When Did I Stop Loving You (the first one), Everybody Needs Love