My sister’s kidney failure, transplant and continual health challenges due to that transplant are a big deal to me. Most of the questions I ask about my future ends with, “If anything happens, how will this choice affect my chance in being close to her?”
I am not angry or afraid. I just have a feeling of accountability with how I move around this world. I know that my road will always lead back to sitting with her.
I don’t feel limited. I don’t feel annoyed. I just feel a lot of stuff about it.
Sheryl Crow sort of makes me feel understood as a woman in these feelings. It’s a big surprise for me.
My earliest memory of Sheryl Crow was when she and Lance Armstrong were super pumped about their love on Oprah’s couch. Lance said something like, “She sits in that room and there are her guitars and she is a REAL rockstar!!”
I had no idea that she was going to have cancer and he was going to lie to America and make us all sad and dump Sheryl.
Outside of that whole thing, I don’t know anything about her. But I do think she really embodies her womanhood and I do think she really embodies my sodfoiehfoweihfiwheofhw feelings about what I am in charge of, what I can affect and what I just have to watch happen.
I think I am going to listen to this album a lot. I want to drive through the mountains and just listen.
Top Songs: If It Makes You Happy, Redemption Day, Hard To Make A Stand